Schooling Your Boss to Not Suck takes a fun and sarcastic journey into tales of horrible bosses. There are countless books on improving the workplace, but nothing quite like this.
Is your boss a supervillain? Need a superhero to straighten him out? Instead of being written by another stuffy "expert", author Eric Muss-Barnes (who barely squeaked out of high school, let alone finished college), offers a lighthearted slant on leadership from the viewpoint of the common worker.
True stories. Real experiences. No silly parables here, folks. No "puppydogs and rainbows" like those other motivational books. Just genuine events of piss and vinegar from the American middleclass workplace.
Eric is just an Average Joe, like yourself, telling it like it is. If your boss sincerely wants to learn how to motivate and inspire the people, it's time the boss stopped listening to other leaders and started listening to what regular people like you have to say. It's time someone stood tall, whipped off those mild-mannered glasses, and schooled your boss on how to not suck!