Ever since he was a little boy, Rusty Stratford always believed he was destined for great things. Now, with his 40th birthday fast approaching, Rusty is starting to suspect he might only be destined for mediocre things. A bachelor with few family members and fewer friends, life hasn't quite panned out the way Rusty hoped it would, and he's beginning to resign himself to being alone and unimportant.
All that changes the night he meets the precocious ghosts of his unborn twin daughters, Isabeau and Oona. Quickly, he comes to discover the universe is a strange brew of fate and happenstance wherein Isabeau and Oona only have a small window of time during which their spirits can be born. Can the little girls help their father find the woman destined to become their mom? Or will Isabeau and Oona miss their chance to exist?
If you squandered decades of your life awaiting "one true love" who never arrived, if dreaming of an idyllic "soulmate" kept you alive through your darkest hours and they didn't show up, this magical tale will comfort your heartache of missed chances and abandonment with an empathy like you've never known. Voodoo & Loveshadow kindles hope in the loneliest of hearts, assuring when the world has given you up for dead, you may still conjure reasons for life, love and laughter to prevail...